Have you not rolled your eyes at the wailing kid at a wedding? As cute as little kids can be, they have an unnerving way of bringing out a monstrous side at weddings. The flower girl who smashed the bouquet up just before the wedding pictures are taken, the ring bearer that ran to mummy instead of the altar, the infant who turned cranky just before the I do’s, are all just possibilities with damaging after effects! Mingling the adorable little ones in your wedding can be cute – but what happens when it causes calamity? Often out of the excitement to entertain themselves, they end up wrecking the wedding and we don’t want you getting angry when you spot the little guests trying to eat your lovely cake or pulling those neat decorations on your Big Day, right? Keeping the little guests busy is the best solution to let yourself, the guests and also the little cuties enjoy the occasion. To end your worries, we have found some creative and fun ways to keep ‘em busy and add a little excitement too!
Fun Filled Activities for the Kids
A Kid’s Table – It may be breaking stereotypes but, a kids’ table would keep the little brats busy and is something that would help the ceremony remain undisturbed by the little guests. Stock it up with a countless amount of crayons and wedding-themed activity booklets. Now kids won’t say no to colouring, would they? You could also add some Play-Doh, hand crafts or origami, to keep their hands away from the beautiful décor.
PlayStation – There is no possibility that kids would turn their backs to a PlayStation – they could spend hours on it! Don’t forget to include Fifa in your list of games, if not they’d be really disappointed.
Bouncing Castle – A bouncing castle is a timeless favourite and we are quite sure the kids would be enthused to keep bouncing all day. A ball pit is also a good option especially if you have toddlers at the wedding.
A Balloon Man – Yes, we see the whole birthday party package coming in to play – but your purpose will be served. Kids love those balloon swords and ornamental head gear, so why not entice them with a few balloon toys?
A Magic Show – Get a magician to perform the greatest of tricks and why not let the little ones master a few magnificent tricks taught by the magician himself?
Bubble Station – Now, bubbles have the power to drive any kid crazy. Hand them a bottle of bubble and see them adding more fun to the occasion by blowing bubbles everywhere!
A Mini Bar of Confectionary – Another way to keep the kids busy is by letting them in to a mini bar. Wait! Don’t just yet jump into the conclusion that it’d be the bar serving cocktails for your adult guests. This would be something filled with all things sweet! Get it stocked with a variety of candies, cookies and kid-friendly drinks that could even include Bubble Tea! Trust us – the area would be crowded by the little ones while their mommies and daddies sip on some shots and catch up with the other guests.
Baby Sitter – Well, if you’re worried about infants, a baby sitter is what you need. Let them cater to the babies’ needs and you could bid goodbye to those wailings that would otherwise disturb the rituals from continuing smoothly.
Kids’ Dance Time – Can you ever spot a tiny one, in midst of the adult crowd, trying to show all the dance techniques they have learnt? Announce a kids-only time to break the dance floor and they’d simply love getting all the attention to themselves. It can be quite cute when all the lovelies hit the dance floor with their best moves.
Classic Board Games – Long faces and sulking to enjoy the party? No worries – let them play board games with a buddy.
Photo Booth – What’s fun without a photo booth? The kids would already be dressed to their best by their mommies, but they’d surely love to get decked up in those props and pose with funny faces.
Activity Briefcase – We have just another idea to impress those little cuties. An activity box, of course! Think about a pack filled with a drawing book, crayons, a mini puzzle, toys (make sure they don’t make noise) and…treats! The kids would definitely feel happy and excited to receive such gifts.
Ice Cream Cart – This can be an easy method but what you need to know is that kids would love to have ice creams just wherever and whenever!
Art Competition – Competition time! Let’s get them to draw their favourite cartoon character and also award the best little artist with a tiny gift.
Face Paint – Face Paint adds more fun to any occasion and the little ones may get quite excited to get their face painted with the most amusing designs.
Mini-Movie Theatre – Angry Birds? The Croods? Moana? Let’s get some really fun animated movies running on the screen while handing over some popcorn to the kiddies!
Team Battles – Is the ceremony taking place in a beautiful outdoor venue under the warm sun? Then we have an idea for your outdoor wedding as well – A game of Cricket between the kids and oh my, you would get to watch their brilliant sport skills.
Distracted them enough? Well, now sit back and enjoy the lovely nitty-gritties of your wedding that you so carefully planned!